Where is Anamnesia: part 2 - am i my mind? (Progress Update)

Can't believe it's already been a year since part 1 was released. Feels like yesterday, especially given the fact that I was planning to release part 2 right about now. But now that we're here, guess what: I've barely finished any of it so far! Woah!

There's a couple of general "excuses" for it, like my mental health being a big pain in the ass this past year (who'd have thought that the writer of Anamnesia could struggle with their mental health?) as well as some financial issues that kept me from commissioning any of the new art until pretty recently. But that's not very exciting to talk about, so I instead wanna go into what the project has gone through since, what has changed about my plans and what part 2 is (vaguely) going to look like!

As you may know, the original plan was to release the story in three parts of relatively equal length: part 1 focusing on Adrian and the ATA, part 2 on Sophie and the ATB, part 3 on Emilia and the QT, as well as the aftermath of it all. Now, I've grown quite fond of part 1 as a standalone story. How satisfying it is depends on each individual readers expectations, I suppose, but I think it works very well as a character driven narrative, despite not revealing everything surrounding the core mystery.

Obviously, I'd have liked for part 2 to work in a similar fashion: offering new hints regarding the big question surrounding the "truth" behind Emilia, while also functioning as a standalone character arc for Sophie. But, no matter how much I thought about it, no matter how much I pushed around bits and pieces of the outline… it just wouldn't work out. I just couldn't find a satisfying cut-off point for her story, that would on one hand offer enough for an entire part while also not revealing SO MUCH that it would barely leave anything for part 3. Not necessarily in terms of the amount of content – but rather in terms of structure. Once you've seen everything that happened in ATA and ATB, being told about what happened in the QT from both Oliver and Nathan… sure, there's still a bunch of gaps and uncertainties left over, but I still think that a lot of part 3 would feel like treading known territory at that point – just going through the motions until the eventual aftermath.

And so, I concluded that the best way to tell the rest of this story would be to have the perspective jump back and forth between Sophie and Emilia with each round. Maybe I'll change my mind on the exact execution again, but it's what I'm currently going with, still restructuring a lot of the scenes I have planned out. Still way earlier into the writing process than I would've liked, but I truly think that the end result will be much better for it.

So, to summarize: part 2 is gonna be a lot longer than originally planned and is gonna contain what was originally meant to be part 3, meaning it's gonna be the entire rest of the story.

One more thing that I want to quickly mention, and that HAS been another detail that I've wasted quite a lot of time on, is the amount of interactivity. One of the main complaints from a lot of reviews was the lack of different outcomes and the first part not making as much use of the log as it could've and so on and so forth… so I thought A LOT about how I could make part 2 (and 3) less linear. It went through a lot of iterations, but as I have now largely restarted writing I do also want you to keep your expectations in check: it's not gonna happen. This story was never planned in a non-linear fashion and forcing it to be more interactive is gonna be the death of me. There ARE gonna be some interesting new gimmicks and SOME branching paths much like in part 1 – and I hope very much that you'll enjoy those! But please don't expect much more than that. This is still gonna be a story first, light interactivity second.

Once Anamnesia is finished and I can start working on an entirely new project I do want to make something that IS a little more interactive and perhaps non-linear – but it'll have to be a story I plan that way from the start.

Well, that's my update on part 2! Store pages are hopefully gonna go up relatively soon as well. Love y'all and shit! c:

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Really excited to see an update regarding the sequel!
I'm very curious to see what you'll manage to cook for part 2, your storytelling is sublime. AAAA

Please take your time both for development and yourself, we'll be waiting patiently.

As for the plan changes - anything you decide to do with the subsequent title will surely be something I'd be very curious to experience! Thank you for the update!